Veterans Day🇺🇸 Today we honor those who have served to protect our freedom and We want to say THANK YOU❤️ 💙
We have multiple bakery owners who are Veterans and we would like to tell you about Thomas & Marissa Capel.
Here is a quote from Thomas Capel.
"Marissa and I have over sixty years of service between the two of us (Marissa 24yrs and I did over 36yrs 8mo). I spend over 8yrs in Afghanistan and Iraq and retired 1 June 2014.
We both are very proud of our military service and would do it again if need.
Veteran day is a very special day for Marissa and I. We worked beside men and women who were willing to give their life for the freedom of the American people."
There are many Veterans out there who do this impossible job for their country and to them we say THANK YOU for your service from our family to yours.