Congratulations to this bride to be 👰♀️💐#talcakeart #bridalshower #bridetobe #bridalcake #cakeart #freshflowers #cakeartist #cakeartistry #cakeoftheday
May your day be filled with lollipops and rainbows! Happy birthday Allison!! #talcakeart #rainbow #favoriteshow #3rdbirthday #likenastya #likenastyacake #choclatecake #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry
A beautiful cake for a beautiful girl! Happy 22nd birthday!!#talcakeart #heartcake #vintagecake #floralcakes #22ndbirthday #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #cakeoftheday #cakeaddict #lovewhatyoudo❤️
Two cakes in one!! I really enjoyed this challenging duo! Happy birthdays Wyatt and Eliza!! #talcakeart #2designsin1cake #siblingscake #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #lovewhatyoudo #swiftie #captianunderpants
Sometimes disasters strike. I usually don’t post them but I feel that this one was worth sharing. Mainly as a shout out to my amazing clients that were so understanding and that allowed me to make the corrections getting the cake to the party just in time! I am truly grateful for them and I hope Dylan had the BEST celebration! #talcakeart #disaster #cameoutevenbetter #greatful #itsokwhenitsnotok #fondantfail #cakeoftheday #bestoutcome #happybirthday
A huge milestone to this avid sports fan! Mazel Tov Ben on your Bar Mitzvah!! #talcakeart #barmitzvah #barnitzvahcake #barmitzvahsporttheme #i❤️sports #footballcake #basketballcake #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #lovewhatyoudo
Happy birthday!!! #talcakeart #cupcakes #lavender #cakeart #cakeartist #cupcakedecorating #cupcakeoftheday
“She believed she could fly, so she did!”Happy birthday Isabelle! I hope you have the best day! #talcakeart #gymnastics #gymnasticscake #chocolatecake #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #lovewhatyoudo #happybirthday
“It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.” — Nelson MandelaCongratulations Brittnay!! #talcakeart #graduation #graduationcake #i❤️pink #flowersoncake #chocolatecake #graduationcap #cakeartist #cakeartistry #backatitagain
Wait for it… watch I’ll the end!! #talcakeart #twoinone #siblingscake #unicorncake #dinosaurcake #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #suprise #lovewhatyoudo #thesmilesmakeitworthit #cakeoftheday
Miranda: “Florals? For spring? Ground breaking!”Happy birthday!!! #talcakeart #40thbirthday #redroses #favoritemovie #elegance #cakeart #cakeartist #cakeartistry #lovewhatyoudo