Hi friends, just a few announcements to make!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to reschedule the fall sampler pickups from this weekend, (August 12th) to next Saturday (August 19th.) If this doesn't work for any of those who have pre-ordered, please let me know so I can initiate a refund. However, I will be adding half a dozen extras for everyone who keeps their orders. I apologize for any inconvenience!
As much as I hate to say this, I've decided I will be deleting the page after the first of next year. I know I've said this in the past and ended up coming back to bake, (because I love making goodies for y'all and have no self control,) but this time is legit. As many know, I've done this whole thing entirely by myself with the help of my husband doing deliveries and it's honestly just too overwhelming at this point. I can't get the hang of managing everything in my life while also doing 10-15 orders a week, and no matter how many times I try to tell myself to not take on too much, I do it anyway. Spending hours and hours making cakes and frosting from scratch, decorating, delivering (uncompensated), dealing with irate customers, people cancelling, having my kitchen constantly a mess, and neglecting my family is not worth it, especially considering I charge literally half of what bakeries around here are charging and there's no signs that anyone is willing to match those prices for my work. But, I'm tired guys and it's just no longer fun anymore. And frankly, I'm tired of being taken advantage of. The profits I'm making are very little and not worth the sacrifices. I hate seeing my passion turn into something I wake up in the morning and dread. I love and appreciate all of you who have supported me these past 2 years, and there are several of you I will absolutely still make cakes and goodies for when I can. I've been so proud of this business and still can't believe so many of you love what I make and keep coming back. I'm so sad, but I know this is the best decision for my mental health. SO, sorry that was a lot but if you're still reading this, I know I just ran a big sale and I am of course still doing all pre-orders no matter the date and those who don't have set dates on their orders don't need to worry, you can still just let me know when you're ready for your cake. I will still be accepting a limited number of orders until October 1st, absolutely no orders will be accepted after that date. At that point, I may have some auction cakes and certain things available for the upcoming holidays up until January. I don't have a set date of when the page will be deleted yet, but it will likely be shortly after the New Year as I would still love to provide holiday goodies for everybody one last time. However, I will post an update when I do know for sure and also provide other contact methods at that time for those who still have outstanding pre-orders.
Love, Taylor