Copperstone Homeowners Association
Neighborhood News & Update
Tuesday – August 10, 2021
Change in CHOA’s Annual Meeting – Thursday, August 12 @ 6:30 PM on Zoom: Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 12. It will begin @ 6:30 PM on Zoom. Each home/lot owner received in the mail an agenda, proxy vote registration form, information about Board elections, and other information to be discussed. Please plan to join us on Zoom. Why the change? Our meeting room does not have sufficient space to allow for social distancing.
Topic: Copperstone Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
Time: Aug 12, 2021 @ 6:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 811 5292 0570 Passcode: 082721
CHOA Board of Directors Election: There will be a CHOA Board election at the Annual Meeting. Our members serve three terms. Tim Worstell is completing the third year of his term. If you would like to be considered to serve on the board, please complete the Application for Director Form that was included in the mailing and posted under Meeting Notes on the CHOA Website.
Questions for the CHOA Annual Meeting: Our Annual Meeting is a great time to ask questions, comment, and/or share concerns about our community. It is helpful for those questions, comments, and/or concerns to be shared prior to the meeting. This gives our board and/or Diversified Management the opportunity to have the necessary information available for the meeting. Your questions, comments, and/or concerns will be included in the Annual Report. If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please email them on or before Noon on Wednesday, August 11 to Hap Hairston ([email protected]).
Annual Report & Meeting Documents: We are planning to have our Annual Report posted on the CHOA Website under Meeting Notes on or before Wednesday (8/11) at Noon..
Important Announcements:
• Last Lot – Lot #246 on Granite Springs Court is the last original lot remaining to be sold.
• Silver Valley Pedway – JQB Construction is scheduled to begin working on the pedway that connects to the east side of Silver Valley Drive next week.
• Pool Closing – The swimming pool will close for the season at 10:00 PM on Sunday, September 23.
• Fall Garage Sale – The Fall Garage Sale is scheduled for Friday (9/24) and Saturday (9/25) from 8:00 AM to Noon.
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