About Cakes for Cures...
In June of 2007 my four year old son became suddenly ill. After hours in the emergency room we were confronted with the most devastating news a family can get --- “Your son has cancer”. The next 8 months was a whirlwind of treatment, tests and scares but our son came out on the other side as a survivor.
I had no idea that cancer affected so many children. I had watched the St. Judes commercials but never thought it could affect someone close to me let alone my son. Once he was well I vowed to make an effort to increase awareness. I started this business so I could put smiles on kid’s faces while reaching parents with important information. I also began volunteering for the American Cancer Society to assist in their efforts to raise funds for important cancer research.
Sadly our government has cut funding for childhood cancer research so it leaves it up to non-profit organizations like St. Jude’s, American Cancer Society and many others to raise the funds to save lives. I donate a portion of each sale to those efforts. I encourage you to volunteer and get on the battle field. Join a local Relay for Life, become a monthly St. Jude donor..anyway you can help. Together we can make a difference.