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The Pavlova may occupy a number one spot within your favorite desserts list, but for those who aren’t familiar with the dish, it is an explosion of sweet flavor with disputed origins, where Australia and New Zealand both claim to have invented it. This snack was named after the famous Russian ballerina, Ana Pavlova. The Pavlova itself is so exquisite and popular nowadays in the culinary world that it has become an indispensable dessert for special occasions.
Currently, Maria Luisa Benavides, a Peruvian woman, has taken the concept of making Pavlovas and transformed it into her own bakery, Piononos, located in Miami. With her bakery, she has given life to a modified Pavlova with nuts, a customer favorite. It’s base is very similar to a dacquoise (a French dessert with a meringue and dried fruit base) and contains a layer of dulce de leche, Chantilly cream, and strawberries or any preferred fruit, for example kiwis, blueberries, peach, or raspberries. The combination of the slight crunch of the meringue, the creamy texture of the filling, the sweetness of the dulce de leche, and the flavor of the fruit is nothing short of a out-of-this-world experience.