If you would like to place an order, please leave a message, call, text, or email. A 50% deposit is required at the time that you place your order. Until the deposit is sent, your promise date will not be reserved. The other 50% is due when you receive your order, along with any other additional fees not yet paid (IE - delivery fee). A minimum of 48 hours notice is required when ordering. Orders p
laced without notice will be subjected to a $25 rush order fee, IF accepted. Regardless of notice, orders will be accepted or rejected based on availability. Orders may be refused if there is not sufficient time to fulfill the request before the promise date, if an available date cannot be agreed upon. Delivery is available, but may be subjected to a delivery fee based on distance. Abnormally large cakes being delivered may also be subjected to an additional handling fee. Payments may be made via cash, card, CashApp, Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo. Card and app payments will include a fee of 1.5% of total order cost. Ask about our referral bonuses and how you can get free and discounted goodies!