Our #dogs are every bit a part of our #family as any other. #HappyBirthday Latke and enjoy your #doggyicecream.
#benandjerrys #helado #doglife #doglover #icecream
Now who is a good human?
#benandjerrys #icecream #doggy #doggyicecream #dog #doglife #doglover #dogsofinstagram #dogtreats
Pint Slices are the perfect sweet snack. It is quite literally the center slice of one of our pints, and then enrobed in fudge. Prepackaged from the factory in a variety of flavors - sold in 3-packs and delivery available through Doordash, UberEats, Grubhub, Ordering.app or our Curbside Pickup site at www.benandjerrysdfw.com.
#benandjerrys #icecream #pintslices #tonightdough #tonightshow #jimmyfallon
#CinnamonBuns flavor back in stock - available now for delivery or at the Scoop Shop... Caramel Ice Cream with Cinnamon Bun Dough & a Cinnamon Streusel Swirl
#benandjerrys #icecream #highlandvillage #highlandvillagetx #shopsathighlandvillage
Ben & Jerry's 1985 Commercial
Create an 80's night. Cinemark is showing Back to the Future and Jurassic Park on the big screen. Grab some Ben & Jerry's for takeout tonight curbside at www.benandjerrysdfw.com to complete the scene. Check out our TV commercial from 1985.
Blue Angels Salute to our #FrontLineHeroes
Fantastic salute to our front line medical workers today... thank you all for keeping us well.
#blueangels #plano #planotx #highlandvillage #highlandvillagetx #frontlineworkers #frontlineheroes
Turning into a couch potato? We have the perfect Curbside Special for you available only at https://benjerrymenu.square.site...
A special shake featuring our newest Netflix flavor. We think we Nailed It! with a Chip Happens shake complete with two potato chips half dipped in our fudge and a collector pin to celebrate your couch potato ways.
Chip Happens is a Cold Mess of Chocolate Ice Cream with Fudge Chips & Crunchy Potato Chip Swirls.
The shake and pin are available today only on Curbside menu.
Ben & Jerry's cake at birthday party
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... We love when guests let us know how a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake at their birthday party right now helps keep everything special.
The guest that just sent us this video said we could share it with everyone.
We can custom make a cake that you design at www.benjerry.com/highlandvillage/cakes. Just let us know you want curbside delivery.
We also have a large variety of cakes made every day on our curbside delivery site https://benjerrymenu.square.site.
#FreeConeDay on Fox News this morning!
Betchya haven't heard all 5 of these fun flavor facts!