Yup, we’ve got 6 lovely chickens ❤️ and man do these girls lay them eggs down! 😅 Currently we have a chicken (or two?) producing two eggs a day and let me tell you there is SUCH a difference from the store bought!
I used to buy the regular white extra large eggs and compared to these, the store bought are more watery/runny, very thin shell, less orange yolk, less taste… it’s insane the difference. Honestly, IYKYK ❤️
I’m so excited to now offer these eggs in my baking full time 🥰🤗
#fresheggs #sweetsassybatch #realingredients #homesteadlife #homestead #happychickens #chickens #loveatfirstbite
Baking up some more pretzels this morning in the kitchen!
Doing up another dozen in about 1.5hours if anyone is interested 🤗
Pick up available in mission (bobcat drive area)
Etransfer secures your order
Flavours available today: salted, everything, garlic salted, cheddar, sesame seed, poppy seed
Let me know 🙏
#sweetsassybatch #softpretzels #droolworthy #bakedfresh
Guys, this set of cupcakes will forever be burned into my memory!
I totally failed this customer & forgot about their cupcake order! 🫣😣
Long story (see comments for the rest of it):
If you know me well, you know how much this stung me deep down to my core.
I had this lovely lady and her husband show up to get their cupcakes and I’m there completely confused on what week it even was. I was absolutely mortified, and with my four kids in the background I profusely apologized, told her I’m going to look into this right away and get back to her, but would absolutely refund her the complete amount in the meantime.
Honestly, I could not have had more understanding people on my doorstep that day and I’ll forever be grateful for that. 🙏❤️🥹
I got inside and scrambled to my work desk to see what in all hell I just did to this poor lady and knew I needed to try and rectify this at least somehow asap!
I messaged her and again apologized while explaining I would refund her this complete order as well as do up another order of the same value down the road for free (meanwhile thinking to myself, she’ll probably never want to deal with me again, but at least I can offer it).
She did in fact have another function coming up the following week so I ended up getting to make these and she was able to snap some pictures with her little one as well for keepsakes ❤️
When her husband picked up the following week I couldn’t express enough to him how much I appreciated them being so understanding and such wonderful people to deal with, and how so very sorry I was again to have screwed this up so badly. People being so understanding means so much to me, because at the end of the day, we’re all human, we all make mistakes, and as my kids sat back on both instances when the front door was open and heard me discuss in detail what happened and then saw the “fix” that resulted, it made me so happy that they were able to see a life lesson unfold in fron
Another authentic Black Forest cake in the books here! I absolutely love making these in large sheet cakes as it means more people will get a slice 🙏❤️
This was for a large Birthday gathering and side to this I also provided all the dinner rolls for their event.
I make these authentic with the kirsch liqueur but also can make them without alcohol if desired 🥰 🎂
#sweetsassybatch #blackforestcake #kirsch #comegetsome #loveatfirstbite
Made up these red velvet cupcakes with vanilla buttercream 🤤
I really love how rich the red turned out on these!
#sweetsassybatch #redvelvet #vanillabuttercream #cupcakes #fathersday
Our eldest turned 12 back on June 12 (yes, I’m that behind on posting 🤣😅🫣)!!!
This year Abigail requested a vanilla cake with custard in between the layers with vanilla buttercream. She also asked for a muppets cake 🥰
I couldn’t resist and had to make her part of the muppet show 😅❤️
#sweetsassybatch #muppets #themuppetshow #thisis12 #happybirthday #kermit #misspiggy
🔥 For Sale 🔥 Peanut Butter Fudge $1/ounce
Note: first picture is showing 2 ounce slices while packaged pictures show 1 ounce slices 🤗
Only 37 ounces left, fresh made today and ready for pick up in Mission 🤗
Etransfer secures your order, while supplies lasts 🙏
#sweetsassybatch #peanutbutterfudge #fudge #meltinyourmouth #sofakinggood #loveatfirstbite
🍌 For Sale 🍌 Banana Bread!!!
I’m going to be making up a bunch of banana bread over the next week here 🤗
If you’re interested in ordering any, please let me know asap as they will be while supplies last, etransfer secured your order 🙏
These are huge, moist and delicious! Approx 9”L x 5”W x 3.5”H
Here’s some of the flavours and prices, but if you have another flavour combo you’re interested just ask, as I can likely make it happen 🤗
Banana bread with walnuts & raisins $18
Banana bread with walnuts & coconut $17
Banana bread with coconut $12
Banana Bread with Walnuts $15
Macadamia Banana Bread $20
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread $12
Old Fashioned Banana Bread $10 (no nuts etc added)
Pick up in Mission, Bobcat Drive area
#sweetsassybatch #bananabread #banana #freshbaked #getitwhilesupplieslast #loveatfirstbite
Made this marble cake with vanilla buttercream and fondant accents up not too long ago! Side of marble cupcakes to go with the cake as well 🥰 🐶
Out of all the kids shows I’ve seen (which isn’t much tbh), I have to say Bluey is definitely my favourite!
What’s your favourite kid show out there? Any other Bluey fans out there? 🤗
#sweetsassybatch #bluey #bingo #blueyandbingo #birthdays #cupcakes
Made this custom cake with a side of cupcakes for some wonderful friends of mine ❤️
The cake was a lemon raspberry cake with lemon buttercream
The cupcakes were chocolate with raspberry filling topped with vanilla buttercream
I ended up making another mini cake as well as more cupcakes for the family to snack on as this cake looked so damn good and I wanted some too 🤣😂🤣
What can I say, sometimes you just have to make more cake… so you can eat some too 🤣
#sorrynotsorry #eatthecake #lemonraspberry #chocolateraspberry #sofakinggood #loveatfirstbite #sweetsassybatch
And of course some still shots of this beauty as well 🥰🌈🙏🐮
#sweetsassybatch #rainbowcake #babynews #announcement #comingsoon
Oh my, oh my! If you all only knew how long I’ve been wanting to post about this cake, but was having phone issues and couldn’t get this video to work 😅 Likely a user issue, most definitely not a technology issue 🫣🤣🤷🏼♀️
But, now I can finally say; It gives me great honour to have completed this beautiful rainbow baby cake for a lovely customer ❤️🙏
When she came to me with the idea I was just so excited and this is one of the many reasons why I absolutely LOVE baking.
Bringing these creations to life and seeing the results after the fact brings me just so much joy! Knowing the feeling I get when I bake for my own family and friends and see their reactions and happiness, and then to extend that through my clients is honestly just such a wonderful feeling.
When I bake for you and tell you it was an honour to create “x, y, z”, please understand, that it really truly is such an honour to be part of creating moments like this for others and I appreciate you all so very much for your support ❤️
So please everyone of my followers let’s give this lovely mama a HUGE congratulations on her newest addition to their herd 🌈 🐮 🥰🤗
#sweetsassybatch #newestherdmember #baby #babyontheway #rainbowbaby #burnawaycake #rainbow